Archive of Press Releases (1997 to 2020)
Comunicado de imprensa - 2 de dezembro de 2020, Belimo expande a oferta de sensores por meio da aquisição da Opera Electronics Inc.
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Comunicado de imprensa - 12 de outubro de 2020, dr. Elena Cortona será a nova diretora de tecnologia (CTO) e membro do comitê executivo do grupo Belimo
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Comunicado de imprensa - 3 de agosto de 2020, Forte desempenho graças à alta disponibilidade do produto
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Comunicado de imprensa - 31 de março de 2020, Reunião geral anual aprova todas as resoluções
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Press release - March 9, 2020, Profitable Growth with Impact
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Comunicado de imprensa - 5 de março de 2020, Alteração no comitê executivo do grupo Belimo
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Press release - February 20, 2020, Belimo to nominate Stefan Ranstrand for election to the Board of Directors
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Press release - January 23, 2020, Belimo Delivers Excellent Sales Performance in 2019
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Press release - August 5, 2019, Belimo continued its growth path - successful first half-year
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Press release - June 3, 2019, Belimo establishes business incubator BELIMO InnoVision AG
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Press release - April 25, 2019, Belimo opening logistics center in Dresden
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Press release - April 1, 2019, Annual General Meeting of BELIMO Holding AG approves all motions
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Press release - March 11, 2019, Belimo increases profitability and innovative capacity
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Press release - February 4, 2019, Changes in Belimo Board of Directors
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Press release - January 29, 2019, Louis Scheidegger to become Member of the Group Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - January 24, 2019, Belimo successfully drives growth strategy
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Press release - August 6, 2018, First half-year with strong sales growth
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Press release - April 10, 2018, The Annual General Meeting of BELIMO Holding AG approves all motions
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Press release - March 12, 2018, Broadly based growth and solid profitability
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Press release - February 2, 2018, Belimo to nominate Sandra Emme for election
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Press release - February 2, 2018, Dr. Markus Schürch to become the new CFO
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Press release - 25 de janeiro de 2018, Crescimento amplo de vendas no exercício de 2017
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Press release - August 3, 2017, Belimo with solid growth
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Press release - April 3, 2017, The Annual General Meeting of BELIMO Holding AG approves all motions
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Press release - March 13, 2017, Belimo with solid growth and increased innovative capacity
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Press release - February 9, 2017, Solid growth in all regions
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Press release - August 3, 2016, Belimo with strong sales and income figures
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Press release - April 25, 2016, The Annual General Meeting of BELIMO Holding AG approves all motions
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Press release - March 21, 2016, Belimo with strong growth in Americas and Asia as well as healthy profitability
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Press release - February 10, 2016, Stronger growth in the second half-year
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Press release - December 8, 2015, James W. Furlong to become new Head of Americas and member of the Group Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - August 4, 2015, Belimo with pleasant operating income
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Press release - May 12, 2015, Change in the organization and Group Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - April 20, 2015, BELIMO Holding AG Annual General Meeting approves all motions
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Press release - March 23, 2015, Again solid growth and increased net income
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Press release - March 23, 2015, Elections of the Board of Directors
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Press release - February 11, 2015, Accelerated growth in the Americas and Asia/Pacific
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Press release - October 4, 2011, Felix Winter new Head of Global Product Management and Member of the Group Executive Committee of Belimo Group
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Press release - August 4, 2011, Belimo posts strong currency-adjusted growth with robust margins
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Press release - May 17, 2011, Belimo wins the “Corporate Excellence Award” again in 2011
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Press release - January 26, 2011, Excellent financial year 2010
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Press release - March 14, 2011, Media information session on Belimo Group’s results for 2010
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Press release - November 15, 2010, Lars van der Haegen to become new head of Americas and member of the Group Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - August 5, 2010, Belimo reports accelerated pace of growth and increased profitability
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Press release - July 8, 2010, Changes in the Group Executive Committee of Belimo Group
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Press release - March 8, 2010, Media information session on Belimo Group’s results for 2009
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Press release - February 5, 2010, Pleasing business performance in a difficult environment
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Press release - August 4, 2009, Solid sales and income
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Press release - April 23, 2009, Belimo: Short-time working in production facility in Hinwil
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Press release - January 29, 2009, Continued strong growth for Belimo in second half-year
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Press release - March 16, 2009, Media information on Belimo Group results for the financial year 2008
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Press release - August 5, 2008, Continued high growth with consistently healthy operating profit
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Press release - March 17, 2008, Belimo demonstrates strong growth in sales and profit
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Press release - February 7, 2008, Belimo demonstrates strong growth in sales and profits
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Press release - November 8, 2007, Share buyback programme completed
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Press release - August 10, 2007, Jacques Sanche to join Belimo Group as CEO
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Press release - August 3, 2007, Increased growth and high profitability confirmed
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Press release - April 2, 2007, Belimo demonstrates strong growth in sales and profits
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Press release - February 15, 2007, Belimo achieves strong growth in sales and profits
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Press release - February 21, 2007, Current Press release from the Belimo Group
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Press release - August 18, 2006, Publication of the Belimo Group Semiannual Report 2006
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Press release - April 3, 2006, Belimo achieves gratifying sales growth and above-average growth in profits
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Press release - March 27, 2006, 30'000'000 actuators in 30 years
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Press release - February 16, 2006, Belimo achieves gratifying growth in sales and profits
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Press release - February 14, 2006, Lineg SA to be relocated to Hinwil
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Press release - November 26, 2002, Change in the Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - April 10, 2002, Ideas for the whole field of HVAC actuators
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Press release - July 18, 2002, Belimo Group growth above market level
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Press release - March 11, 2002, Increase in sales and earnings
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Press release - January 21, 2002, The Belimo Group increases sales and earnings
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Press release - November 9, 2001, Sales record
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Press release - August 28, 2001, New member of the Belimo Group Executive Committee
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Press release - July 20, 2001, On track in spite of head winds
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Press release - May 30, 2001, Enlargement of Belimo Group premises
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Press release - March 12, 2001, Media orientation and analyst meeting of March 12, 2001
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Press release - March 9, 2001, Changes in the Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
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Press release - January 17, 2001, Increase of sales and earnings with new products
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Press release - July 20, 2000, Belimo Group: Strengthening of the Executive Committee
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Press release - July 14, 2000, Belimo Group exceeds forecasts
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Press release - July 1, 2000, One Million VAV-Boxes with Belimo controls
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Press release - March 27, 2000, Balance Sheet and Analysis at March 27, 2000
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Press release - February 1, 2000, Plenty new from Belimo: Innovative actuators for air and water
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Press release - February 1, 2000, Innovative solutions for water applications: Belimo adds control to its new ball valves
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Press release - February 1, 2000, More functionality and user benefits: Belimo’s intelligent actuators for globe valves
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Press release - February 1, 2000, New Belimo actuators for fire safety and smoke extraction: Safety First
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Press release - Januray 18, 2000, Success due to consistent customer orientation Belimo increases sales and earnings
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Press release - July 13, 1999, Positive development of the Belimo Group in the first half of 1999
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Press release - April 12, 1999, Balance sheet media conference / Analyst presentation of April 12, 1999
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Press release - February 15, 1999, The new CEO of the Belimo Group
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Press release - Januray 19, 1999, Belimo increases sales and profits
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Press release - November 11, 1998, Positive business development and unchanged stock price potential of BELIMO
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Press release - June 30, 1998, Belimo increases sales in the first six months of 1998
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Press release - June 1, 1998, Belimo 1997: Again Considerable Growth in Sales and Profit
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Press release - January 16, 1998, Marked increase of Belimo sales and profits
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Press release - November 1, 1997, Belimo Incorporates Subsidiary in Hong Kong
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Press release - September 1, 1997, Takeover of a Specialist in Mixing Valve Actuators
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Press release - August 1, 1997, 10 Millionth Damper Actuator
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Press release - May 1, 1997, Belimo Opens Regional Headquarters for Asia-Pacific!
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Press release - March 1, 1997, Increased Presence in the Middle East
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