As a market-leading company, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and innovative edge with you. In addition to our numerous webinars, which you can find under the heading Webinars, we also offer educational videos, web-based training on a wide range of topics, and a hydronics course to expand your existing knowledge.
You can access our online training from anywhere, at any time. In the diverse self-study courses, you can acquire the information we provide on our products and general applications.
Is there a topic you would like to be informed about? Let us know!
- Courses
- Educational videos
- Web-based training
The following courses are currently only offered in German.
Applikationskurs Wasser
Profitieren Sie von einer Partnerschaft, die Standards setzt. Die BELIMO Automation AG und die Schweizerische Technische Fachschule in Winterthur bieten ein abwechslungsreiches Lernerlebnis. Die Teilnehmenden profitieren von der Praxiserfahrung der Referierenden, die diese aus dem Tagesgeschäft mitbringen.
In unserem 5-tägigen Basiskurs für Wasserapplikationen bringen wir Mitarbeitende sowie Kundinnen und Kunden zusammen, um den praktischen Austausch zu fördern.
Das Ziel ist es, die Theorie aufzunehmen und in der Praxis anzuwenden, um fundiertes Basiswissen zu Applikationen im Bereich Wasser zu erlangen.
▪ Heizungs-/Kälteinstallateure und -installateurinnen
▪ Angehende Fachleute im Bereich Planung oder Systemintegration, die Basiswissen erlangen oder auffrischen möchten
▪ Technisches Verständnis
▪ Branchenkenntnisse von Vorteil
▪ Grundlagen relevanter physikalischer Grössen
▪ Wärmeerzeugung / Wärmeverteilung / Wärmeabgabe
▪ Hydraulische Komponenten und Grundschaltungen
▪ Ventilauslegung
▪ Pumpenkennlinien
▪ Stellglieder und ihre Charakteristik
▪ Anlagenbeispiele
8. bis 12. September 2025 von 8.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Flyer.
Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte
In diesem abwechslungsreichen Kurs bestehend aus Selbststudium, Frontalunterricht, praktischen Beispielen und Demonstration, vermitteln wir weitergehende Kenntnisse zur Hydraulik und zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, Produkte von Belimo in modernen Systemen nutzbringend einzusetzen.
Das Ziel ist es, das Basiswissen zu vertiefen, um effizientere, nachhaltige und zuverlässige Systeme zu planen.
▪ Planungsmitarbeitende im Bereich Heizung/Kälte
▪ Projektleitende im Bereich Heizung/Kälte
Fachwissen in der Gebäudetechnikplanung (Hydraulik).
▪ Einführung/Grundlagen Hydraulik (e-Learning zum Selbststudium vorab)
▪ Serie und Parallelschaltung von Ventilen und Pumpen (Frontalunterricht)
▪ Hydraulische Schaltungen (Frontalunterricht)
▪ Ventilautorität und Ventilauslegung (Frontalunterricht)
▪ Umbau Doppelbeimischung auf Einspritzschaltung mit druckbehaftetem Bypass (Frontalunterricht)
▪ Praxisbeispiel (Diskussion und Demonstration druckabhängig vs. druckunabhängig)
Kursdaten 2025
Dienstag, 1. April
Dienstag, 29. April
Dienstag, 23. September
Dienstag, 18. November
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Flyer.
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Praxiskurs für Servicefachkräfte HLK
In diesem umfassenden Kurs erlangen die Teilnehmenden zusätzliches Wissen, um ihre täglichen Serviceaufgaben, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit Produkten von Belimo, auf vereinfachte Weise durchführen zu können. Dies geschieht durch praktische Arbeit, den Austausch mit Fachkollegen und -kolleginnen und Diskussionen mit den Fachleuten von Belimo.
Obwohl der Schwerpunkt des Kurses auf der Luftseite liegt, können viele der erworbenen Kenntnisse auch auf wasserseitige Anwendungen übertragen werden.
Während des Kurses werden die Teilnehmenden direkt mit Tools und Produkten von Belimo arbeiten.
Das übergeordnete Ziel besteht darin, ein erweitertes Verständnis für die Tools und Produkte von Belimo sowie deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu entwickeln und dadurch den täglichen Servicealltag zu erleichtern und zu optimieren.
Servicefachkräfte aus dem Bereich HLK, Schwerpunkt Lüftungstechnik
▪ Einstell- und Produktfindetools von Belimo
▪ Finden des benötigten Ersatzprodukts
▪ Parametrieren von Antrieben für Lüftungsanwendungen
▪ Parametrieren von Sensoren und Raumbediengeräten
▪ Überprüfen und beurteilen von installierten Antrieben und VAV-Reglern von Belimo
▪ Praxisaustausch (Diskussionen über Erfahrungen, Fehlersymptome und Lösungen)
Während der Übungen gibt es immer wieder Zeit, um eigene Erfahrungen einzubringen, zu diskutieren und gemeinsam Lösungen mit Produkten von Belimo zu finden.
Benötigte Hilfsmittel
Die Teilnehmenden sollen ihre eigenen Tools von Belimo mitbringen und einsetzen.
Kursdaten 2025
Dienstag, 11. März
Freitag, 4. Juli
Dienstag, 30. September
Dienstag, 21. Oktober
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Flyer.
Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte
In this section we offer extensive knowledge transfer through short video sequences.
Expert talk: the latest IAQ findings from medicine, technology and politics (in German)
Duration: 52 minutes
In this educational video, leading experts highlight the latest findings on indoor air quality (IAQ) and its far-reaching implications for health, technologies and policy frameworks.
Prof Dr Adriano Aguzzi is Head of the Institute of Neuropathology at the University of Zurich.
Claus Händel is Managing Director Technology of the Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V. (FGK).
Dr Benoit Sicre is head of the research group ‘Health and Hygiene in Buildings’ at the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture.
Mikko Gisin has been an application and project consultant at BELIMO Automation AG for six years and is an expert in sensors and ventilation systems.
Belimo ZoneEase™ VAV – Controlling of CO2, temperature, and volumetric flow (in German)
Duration: 24 minutes
Health, well-being, and productivity greatly depend on room climate. Therefore, good indoor air quality is fundamental to building design and operation. Variable volumetric flow controllers, also known as VAV, enable precise control of air volumetric flows via control sequences directly integrated into the VAV actuator.
Belimo ZoneEase™ VAV is an easy-to-operate VAV-based zone control ecosystem. The ZoneEase VAV solution simplifies the commissioning process. It provides commissioning and maintenance support via the cloud and smartphone to enhance the user experience and reduces project complexity and downtime while increasing connectivity, data transparency and cost-efficiency.
Intelligent control butterfly valves (in German)
Duration: 38 minutes
Say goodbye to high energy consumption, inefficiency, discomfort, and sky-high costs caused by obsolete valves! Thanks to the innovative control butterfly valves from Belimo with nominal diameters from DN 100 to DN 300, these problems are now a thing of the past – just like the hassle of finding compatible Belimo RetroFIT+ solutions.
Exactly what these solutions are and why they are such a game changer can be found in the following video tutorial, which focuses on the following points and questions:
Use of butterfly valves as control valves. How does Belimo manage to use intelligent butterfly valves as control valves?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this solution and where can it be used?
How can control butterfly valves prove their worth over globe valves, and when is which technology appropriate?
European Green Deal: Help! Or Hurrah!? (in German)
Duration: 23 minutes
The European Union's Green Deal has also had a concrete impact on the HVAC and technical building services sectors. But what exactly are the implications, and what can market participants and suppliers expect to happen? In this video tutorial, Belimo would like to address the following points and questions, among others:
- Overview of the regulatory landscape: What does the Green Deal mean for normative legislation such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the Energy Performance of Buildings Act (EPBG) and the EU's taxonomy and criteria for sustainable economic activity in the context of Environmental Social Governance (ESG)?
- Who will implement the agreed changes, who will be responsible for them, and who will be affected by the new Green Deal rules?
- How will this work in practice? Belimo wants to show individual ways and solutions to answer these questions.
When do I need motorised fire dampers? (in German)
Duration: 30 minutes
Specialist planners and technical building services companies are often faced with the question of when fire dampers should be motorised as shut-off devices in ventilation systems. Unfortunately, in many cases, the approved fire protection concept does not provide specifics in this regard. "Where does it say that?" is one of the most frequently asked questions in this context.
The educational video looks at the different reasons for motorising fire dampers:
- What does the legislator require in regulations such as the German Model Building Code (MBO) and specific building regulations?
- What are the requirements of the German Model Ventilation System Guidelines (M-LüAR)?
- What can be said about the generally accepted rules of technology?
- What are the benefits of motorised fire dampers to the building owner?
Belimo RetroFIT+ – Increasing energy efficiency in existing plants (in German)
Duration: 23 minutes
The existing air-conditioning systems in existing buildings – heating, cooling and ventilation – often offer plenty of potential for energy savings. After all, intelligent control of heating, cooling and ventilation loads contributes significantly to the energy efficiency of buildings. Belimo has the right solution in its portfolio for these purposes and offers a comprehensive concept for increasing energy efficiency with the topic "RetroFIT+".
In this educational video, we present a Belimo task force that analyses existing systems and develops proposals for increasing efficiency, for example by using other hydronic circuits or pressure-independent valves. Find out which tools can be used to achieve this and what role intelligent field devices such as the "Energy Valve" can play.
Distributors and hydronic circuits – basic training (in English)
Duration: 27 minutes
Which hydronic circuits are available? And which is the right one for my project? These questions are answered in the basic training, one of nine training courses on the topic of hydronics.
Six basic circuits cover more than 90 percent of applications. In this educational video you will learn more about these six circuits and their uses:
- Throttling circuit
- Injection circuit with 2-way valve
- Mixing circuit
- Mixing circuit with fixed pre-mixing
- Diverting circuit
- Injection circuit with 3-way valve
Basic knowledge on the design of pressure-dependent valves: Part 1 (in English)
Duration: 14 minutes
How do I design pressure-dependent valves? What is an a-value? What is valve authority? These questions are the focus of this basic training 2.1.
The educational video covers basic knowledge on the design of pressure-dependent valves and focuses in particular on the following points:
- Q = m x c x delta T
- Variable-flow part of the circuit
- A-value of heat exchangers
- Kv/kvs values
- Valve authority
- Characteristic curve
Basic knowledge on the design of pressure-dependent valves: Part 2 (in English)
Duration: 18 minutes
How do I correctly apply the knowledge from the previous basic training 2.1 when designing pressure-dependent valves? And what formulas do I need for this? These questions are covered in basic training 2.2.
Using example calculations, this educational video conveys the knowledge needed to correctly design pressure-dependent valves. We will look at the following circuits:
- Throttling circuit
- Mixing circuit
- Injection circuit with 2-way valve
Indoor air quality and energy efficiency with AHUs (in English)
Duration 39 min.
HVAC systems are often installed with the aim of maintaining comfort levels in a building. However, less is usually known about the health benefits for building occupants and the energy efficiency of the building. By using central air handling units (AHUs) we address both the sustainability and indoor air quality aspects.
In this educational video, three of these factors are examined and discussed in more detail in relation to AHUs and energy efficiency.
- Correct temperature and humidity conditioning
- Effective filtration.
- Proper amount of outdoor air
Master 1: Thermal Energy Meter (TEM), recording, regulation and invoicing of heating and cooling (in English)
Duration: 32 minutes
How are heat/coolingmetersdesigned? What is a MID certification? What are position control, volumetric flow control and power control? What must be considered when reading meters, invoicing and calibration regulations? These questions are covered in master training 1.
The following contents are covered:
- Thermal energy meter design (heat/cooling meter)
- Introduction to the control concepts
- Position control
- Volumetric flow control
- Power control
- MID approval and calibration
- Basic knowledge on the new heating cost regulations and calibration law
Low delta T syndrome ─ causes and problems with low spread (in English)
Duration: 18 minutes
What is low delta T syndrome, and what causes it? How can it be rectified? How do we determine the correct delta T? Also, why have we used the delta T manager function in energy optimisation for years? These questions are the focus of this educational video.
The following contents are covered:
- Reasons for low delta T syndrome
- Optimisation of hydronics
- Delta T manager ─ Function and type of action
- Digital condition monitoring
Basics 3.1: Basic knowledge on the design of pressure-independent valves (Part 1) (in English)
Duration: 20 minutes
What are the necessary fundamentals for professional design for pressure-independent valves? What are the different types? What needs to be considered? These questions are the focus of basic training 3.1.
The educational video covers basic knowledge on the design of pressure-independent valves and focuses in particular on the following points:
- Function and design of pressure-independent control valves
- Difference between mechanical/electronic
- What does valve authority mean?
Basics 3.2: Design of pressure-independent valves (Part 2) (in English)
Duration: 12 minutes
How are pressure-independent valves designed/dimensioned? What is valve authority? What should be considered? These questions are the focus of basic training 3.2.
The educational video covers basic knowledge on the design of pressure-independent valves and focuses in particular on the following points:
- Design of pressure-independent control valves
- Difference between mechanical/electronic
- Valve authority
Measurement concepts (in German)
Duration: 36 minutes
What does measurement concept, measurement point concept, and energy controlling mean? Why should the measurement concept be taken into account during hydronic planning? What are the contents of a measuring point concept? What are KPIs?
The educational video provides information on the integration of measurement concepts in hydronic planning and focuses in particular on the following points:
- Measurement concepts for billing properties
- Measurement concepts for energy controlling
- Optimisation of measurement points
- Energy data evaluation
Special knowledge on hydronics and valves (in German)
Duration: 25 minutes
Are you already familiar with the basics of valves and hydronic circuits and now want to deepen your knowledge? Would you like to know more about the differences between globe valves and characterised control valves, about rangeabilities and the relevant characteristic curves? Then you've come to the right place with this educational video.
The seminar provides detailed knowledge for professionals focused in particular on the following points:
- "Opening jump" of valves, cleaning of valve seat
- Globe valve vs Characterised control valve
- Valve characteristic curves
- Rangeability
- Cavitation
- Information DIN EN 52120-1 (replacement DIN EN 15232-1)
Consumption-based billing of energy costs for mechanical ventilation (in German)
Duration: 23 minutes
In commercial buildings with mechanical ventilation, it has been common practice for many years to allocate ventilation costs to the various occupants according to a pre-defined key. The distribution key used is usually the area allocated to each occupant relative to the total ventilated area of the building. However, this approach does not take into account or support newer trends and requirements to further reduce energy consumption in buildings.
What are the options available today for consumption-based billing of energy costs for mechanical ventilation? What is required by the Buildings Energy Act? What are the technical requirements? And when does consumption-based billing make economic sense?
These questions are the focus of this educational video.
The seminar will focus in particular on the following points:
- Solutions for consumption-based billing of energy costs for mechanical ventilation
- Buildings Energy Act and VDI 2077
- Cost-effectiveness requirement for billing
- Discussion of a cost allocation based on the actual volumetric flows in the distribution system
The educational video has been designed to be product-independent and generally valid, even if other manufacturers' products are used.
Hydronic balancing and DIN EN ISO 52120-1 (in German)
Duration: 25 minutes
Are you already familiar with the basics of valves and hydronic circuits and now want to deepen your knowledge? Do you want to learn more about DIN EN ISO 52120-1 and what has changed with its introduction?
The educational video provides detailed knowledge for professionals and focuses in particular on the following points:
- Replacement of DIN EN 15232-1 by DIN EN ISO 52120-1
- Consideration of hydronic balancing of heating and cooling systems
- Energy efficiency classes
- Consideration of residential buildings and non-residential buildings
Specialised knowledge for zone solutions (in German)
Duration: 23 minutes
Are you already familiar with the basics of valves and hydronic circuits and now want to learn more? In this educational video, we introduce you to pressure-independent zone solutions in the 2-pipe and 4-pipe range. If you want to know what makes pressure-independent valves in the zone so special, what the benefits are for various applications and what solutions are available, you've come to the right place!
The seminar provides detailed knowledge for professionals focused in particular on the following points:
- Differences between pressure-dependent and pressure-independent systems in the zone
- 2-pipe and 4-pipe systems
- Hydronic balancing in the zone
- Pressure-independent quick compact valve PIQCV / 6-way valve EPIV
To give you the highest flexibility and always keep track of your progress, you can complete the learning steps one by one and continue learning at a later time.
Please create a profile for this by registering.
Sensor basics
Duration: 145 minutes
In this series of modules, we teach the basics of sensors and answer the following questions:
- Why are sensors so important in building automation?
- What principles do they work on?
- In which application areas are they used in the HVAC industry?
Belimo Energy Valve™
Duration: 60 minutes
In this web-based training on our much sought-after energy valve with thermal energy meter, we cover the following topics:
- What are the advantages of the energy valve?
- Where is it used, and what control modes are possible?
- What does low delta T syndrome mean, and how does the energy valve prevent this?
Technology bus basics
Duration: 75 minutes
This basic training addresses the following questions about bus systems:
- What is building topology?
- What communication technologies are available?
- Differences between building structures in the past, present and future
- Which bus protocols are available at Belimo?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different bus protocols?
Thermal Energy Meter
Duration: 150 minutes
In this web-based training, we teach the basics of our thermal energy meter with MID approval.
- How our measuring principle works (heating/cooling)
- How do we take into account and compensate for the glycol content in the water?
- What communication interfaces and settings are available and possible via the web server?
- Connection via NFC and operation with the Belimo Assistant App
- How is commissioning conducted?
- How can I activate Power over Ethernet?
- How can I activate the thermal energy meter?
- What should be considered with the EN1434 and MID 2014/32/EU standards?