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Maximise Efficiency: HVAC System Upgrades for Building Renovation
Choose Your Impact
Every building faces challenges, whether big or small. Tackling them effectively can lead to numerous benefits. Simple adjustments can create impressive results, and you can achieve even more with a little extra effort. Adapting the hydronic network for heating and cooling provides substantial advantages but is not always necessary. At Belimo, we believe in taking small steps for significant gains - "Small devices, big impact."
We understand the sweet spot - maximizing energy savings, boosting system efficiency, and elevating comfort levels. Whether you're looking for a simple improvement, a significant overhaul, or something in between, we have the technology and expertise to help.
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6 reasons why you should retrofit your building
Evaluate the energy-saving potential of your building's hydronic system with just a few clicks. Download a comprehensive assessment report for detailed insights.
Explore Our Solutions For Retrofitting Diverse Buildings
Optimizing energy usage benefits all buildings, but each type has unique load profiles and requirements. Tailored approaches ensure efficiency, air quality, and comfort for occupants. Retrofitting is a major component of any building’s lifecycle and can make an enormous difference in the efficiency of a facility. Our team has decades of experience in the HVAC industry, and our products are proven to deliver results. Let's explore how RetroFIT+ can revolutionize energy usage in different types of buildings:
Seasonally in Session
With occupancy defined by classroom hours and seasons, energy consumption should align with the building’s load profile. With an average occupancy of 7 hours/day when school is in session, these buildings could reduce energy consumption and the correlating costs by 30% by curtailing usage between 6pm - 8am when the building is not being used at full capacity. By coordinating energy usage with occupancy levels both in regard to timing and specific area usage (classrooms, gym, library, etc.), students can be more comfortable with greater potential for concentration thanks to monitored and controlled air quality. Further, more efficient energy consumption can have a positive impact on publicly funded institutions and their tax obligations.
The proportionate energy consumption of school buildings depends on the building's age, size, geographical location, and type of equipment used. In school buildings, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems and hot water sanitary (HWS) account for approximately 80% of energy consumption.The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency and comfort, while improving indoor air quality:
Around-the-Clock Energy for Around-the-Clock Care
In hospitals, energy availability is required 24/7. Moreover, there needs to be a significant amount of flexibility for heating, cooling, and ventilation, as well as dynamic balancing capabilities to supply the appropriate amount of heating or cooling for each building area.
Different building types experience different degrees of energy usage according to the nature of their function. Air conditioning, heating and hot water sanitary (HWS) account for approximately 73% of energy consumption in hospitals.The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities have a 24/7 role. The HVAC system's availability and reliability are key to promoting comfort and healthy indoor air regarding infection control and safety. With Belimo products, you can ensure the availability, thermal comfort, adequate ventilation and energy efficiency while allowing more flexible space planning and easy troubleshooting:
Heating and Cooling That Clocks Out When Your Colleagues Do
As office buildings are occupied during business hours only, energy usage should be optimised to suit the hours of operation. With an average occupancy of 9.3 hours/day, these buildings could reduce energy consumption and the correlating costs by 30% by curtailing usage between 8pm - 6am when the building is not being used at full capacity. This way, heating and cooling activity is not wasted on an empty building, saving energy costs and reducing emissions output. Dynamic balancing ensures comfort even when occupancies change.
In office buildings, air conditioning, heating, and domestic hot water account for approximately 56% of energy consumption.The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
Average occupancy is 9.3 hours/day. By dynamically adjusting energy usage to suit the load profile and occupancy rates, you can save over 30% energy between 8pm - 6am when the building is experiencing low to no use. With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency, comfort, and building health, while allowing more flexible space planning, making it easier to find tenants to rent office space:
Comfort Comes First
Like offices and schools, hotels are not occupied at full capacity throughout the entire day. However, they are generally at their highest occupancy in the later hours of the day and at night when guests sleep. Providing guests with a comfortable stay is a top priority. Ensuring good air quality, unobtrusive noise levels, and a hygienic environment are also essential in this context.
In hotels, air conditioning, heating and warm water account for approximately 58% of energy consumption.
The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
30% energy saved by reducing consumption when the building is unoccupied.
Average occupancy is 9.3 hours/day. By dynamically adjusting energy usage to suit the load profile and occupancy rates, you can save over 30% energy between 8am - 6pm when the building is experiencing low to no use. With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency, comfort, and building health:
System Agility to Suit Multiple Tenants
Shopping centers, sports venues, airports, and cultural centers – while the functions of these buildings are different, they share some things in common: fluctuating occupant traffic and a need to maintain high comfort and dynamic balancing to ensure high availability of cooling and heating energy. The system in place must be agile, as demands change frequently to accommodate changes in space planning. Moreover, as these buildings often house multiple tenants, providing each space with certified energy billing within the individual cost centers must be considered.
The proportionate energy consumption of mixed-use buildings is very distinct. The energy consumption patterns depend on many factors, such as the building's purpose, age, size, geographical location, and type of equipment used. In mixed-use buildings, HVAC systems account for the largest proportion of energy consumption.The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
While mixed-use buildings such as shopping malls and sports venues have different purposes and functions, both building types share fluctuating occupancy levels and the high demand and availability of heating and cooling energy. With Belimo devices, you can dynamically balance the heating and cooling loads to optimize energy consumption patterns and ventilation according to occupancy levels.
Belimo RetroFIT+ App
The Source for HVAC Actuator and Valve Replacement Solutions
Belimo RetroFIT+ App allows you to quickly and easily find HVAC replacement solutions for valves and actuators. Valves and actuators are responsible for ensuring reliable, functioning hydronic and air control HVAC systems all over the world. With innovative technology, verified quality, and easy handling during installations and operation, they boost the performance and efficiency of integrated building technology. The Belimo RetroFIT+ App provides air and water retrofit application solutions with direct coupled or remote access linkages and energy efficient actuators.
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如何使用Belimo RetroFIT+ App找到合适的替换产品
Retrofit refers to the process of making improvements or upgrades to existing systems or structures. In the context of buildings, retrofitting typically involves upgrading or modifying HVAC systems, lighting, insulation, or other components to optimise energy efficiency, improve performance, and extend the lifespan of the building. HVAC retrofitting can involve replacing outdated equipment, installing new controls or sensors, improving insulation, and implementing other efficiency-enhancing measures to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor comfort.
Retrofitting buildings is important because it allows for the upgrade and improvement of existing HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. This can result in higher energy efficiency, improved comfort, and reduced environmental impact. Retrofits can also help meet new regulatory requirements and improve the overall value of the building while contributing to a greener future.
The "+" symbolizes the additional value that Belimo contributes to retrofit projects. Belimo offers many products ideally suited for renovation projects, including damper actuators, control valves, sensors and meters. If an adapter or linkage is required, our extensive range of retrofit accessories ensures a straightforward on-site installation process. If our standard offerings do not include the ideal replacement product, we also provide the option for customized products and linkages. However, our support and application consulting extends beyond just the product aspect. Belimo's sales managers and application specialists are dedicated to helping you determine the optimal approach for your renovation project.
The cost of retrofitting an HVAC system can vary depending on various factors such as the size of the building, the complexity of the retrofit, the specific components being upgraded, and the local market conditions. It is important to assess each project individually to determine an accurate cost estimate. Belimo provides a range of HVAC system retrofit options. Whether you seek a minor enhancement, a major transformation, or anything in between, we possess the technology and expertise to assist you and can provide a cost estimate accordingly.
搏力谋能量阀® 可减少40%的碳排量
为了响应纽约市的一项监管要求,即从2024年开始,高楼大厦需要提高运营能效并减少碳排量,一家大型物业管理公司采用搏力谋能量阀®, 对主要建筑楼进行了升级改造,这是一款开创性的物联网设备,旨在优化能量的使用及维持暖通空调系统中的ΔT值。
请观看视频,了解更多有关 CO2 减排和成本节约方面的信息。
Efficiency Made Easy: A Belimo Energy Valve™ Story
Retrofitting of the historic Hotel Admiral Bergen (Norway) was already in full swing when Geir Hovden of DNB Commercial Real Estate learned about the Belimo Energy Valve™ through a particular episode of the Practical PropTech podcast. That episode examined closely how cutting-edge technology, such as the Belimo Energy Valve™, is transforming the way we manage building operations and saves energy. Although already midway through the project, it was immediately decided to pivot and equip the hotel's hydronic system with Energy Valves. Their decision yielded impressive results, including enhanced operational efficiency, significant cost savings, and a substantial contribution to their sustainability goals.
Watch the video to discover how our innovation makes installations easier and provides valuable insights for better, smarter building management.
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Providence 学院成立于1917年,由40栋校园建筑组成。随着计划的不断扩大,冷冻水供应已接近饱和。 如何在不安装新的冷却机的情况下满足日益增长的需求,同时还能节省冷却和泵送成本?采用搏力谋能量阀®来改造东校区的建筑是个理想的解决方案,有助于学院实现其环保目标。
免于安装新冷却器:RetroFIT+ 为普罗维登斯学院节省了数百万美元
Retrofitting buildings for energy-efficiency and sustainability
HVAC hydronics – the goldmine in building renovation projects.
The smart control of heating, cooling, and ventilation loads has a big impact on the energy efficiency of buildings. A key aspect here is the heating and chilled water circuit, i.e. the hydronics of a building.
- No energy loss at zero load reduces operating costs.
- Planning reliability as a first step towards better energy efficiency.
- Pressure fluctuations in distribution lead to lower power output.
- Making energy flow visible.
- Demand-driven zone control.
Find out how we can support you in this:
More RetroFIT+ Related Documentation and Materials
Belimo RetroFIT+ Tool
RetroFIT+ Replacement Products
RetroFIT+ 指南
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RetroFIT+ 清单 –水产品应用
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RetroFIT+ 角行程阀适配器的数据收集
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950 KB)
Sustainability – Belimo Statement