Belimo Assistant 2 Release Notes
Version 6.3.2: March 2025
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue with the MP command being not correct for Fail-Safe actuator
- Fixed an issue with the display of control signal for the 6-way EPIV
- Master data enhancements for the integrated Belimo JR products
Version 6.3.0: January 2025
- Release of Belimo Assistant 2 in Mainland China
- Master data enhancements for the integrated Belimo products
- Various compatibility updates to support further Belimo products
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue where control signals were still displayed when Setpoint Source is Bus and Protocol is BACnet MS/TP
- Fixed a display issue relevant for CQ actuators
Version 6.2.3: November 2024
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue with 6-way EPIV devices
- Fixed an issue with VAV Compact devices where the Belimo String could not be read from the device
Version 6.2.2: November 2024
- Update to support NFC Connectivity for Energy Valve (EV) and Thermal Energy Meter (TEM)
- Application updates for Apple iOS18
- Update for ZoneEase, including harmonization between mobile and desktop device parameters
- Updated EULA/3rd party License Agreement
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue where Live Trend cannot start for ZoneEase devices
- Fixed an issue where creating CSV files during sharing is not working for Live Trend
- Fixed an issue where Live Trending is not correctly compiled after some minutes
- Fixed an issue on Manufacturing Tool where angle correction was not possible with negative offset
- Fixed an issue where general information data was empty when reading powerless devices
- Fixed an issue on copy paste workflows for LMV-BAC-001 when reading powerless device
- Fixed an issue with empty workflow configuration for LMV/VRU
- Fixed an issue where setup workflow shows empty parameters for LMV-D3-MP
- Fixed an issue where the set values in override control were not written to device for LMV-D3-MP
- Fixed an issue where switching between NFC and Bluetooth did not work when triggering meter activation workflow
Version 6.1.1: September 2024
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue where active calibration failed when the view was exited
- Fixed an issue where the relative position of the labels was lost
- Fixed an issue where some labels did not display correctly
- Fixed an issue where the device view page did not refresh when NFC disable workflow was executed via USB
- Fixed an issue with the ZTH Driver not being installed correctly when upgrading via MSI Installer
- Fixed an issue where the update for all users did not work correctly
- Fixed an issue where the line values went out of y axis
- Fixed an issue where the trend was not resumed after sharing
- Fixed an issue where trend label was not always visible
- Fixed an issue where volumetric flow trend went outside the graph for LMV-D3-MP
- Fixed an issue where renaming of the ZIP-BT-NFC failed
- Fixed an issue whereby the connection was lost during write parameter on non-activated EV with ZIP-BT-NFC
- Fixed an issue whereby data did not upload to the cloud when the Apple device was disconnected from the internet
- Fixed an issue with the PWM parameter being always visible
- Fixed an issue with the MP Address not being available for LMV-D3-MP on NFC
- Fixed an issue with the P'Nom parameter max value range being missing
- Fixed an issue with the parameter designation for LMV-D3-MP not reading correctly in powerless mode
- Fixed an issue where written values did not match the ones on the sensor LCD
- Fixed an issue where the threshold for the heating application was not visible
- Fixed an issue where the threshold temperature setting in °F was not working