Thermal energy meter activation
Qualification for the activation of Belimo's thermal energy meters
The thermal energy meter meets the requirements of EN1434 and has type approval according to the European Measuring Instruments Directive MID 2014/32/EU (MI-004).
Belimo's thermal energy meter is designed as a multi-function device, i.e. it can be used as a heat meter, cold meter, or heat/cold meter. It can also be installed either in the return or in the supply of the system. The application and installation position are selected during commissioning in what is known as activation using a smartphone and the Belimo Assistant App.
The authorised specialist who carries out the activation of the thermal energy meter requires a Belimo Cloud account with additional authorisation, which can be obtained through an online learning module.
Activation of the thermal energy meter is carried out only once and is irreversible, i.e. it is important to be attentive and mindful during activation. If activated incorrectly, the device will measure incorrectly and must be removed and replaced at the user's own expense.
If you want to be authorised to activate thermal energy meters, please follow these four steps:
1. Operating instruction
Carefully study the operating manual of the thermal energy meter.
2. Belimo Cloud account
Create a Belimo Cloud account.
3. Learning module
Successfully complete the online learning module for meter activation.
4. Authorisation
After successful completion of the learning module, Belimo will grant you authorisation for the Belimo Cloud account, which will qualify you to activate thermal energy meters.
You will be informed that you have been granted authorisation.