Maximize Efficiency: HVAC System Upgrades for Building Renovation
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Hvac Upgrades With Our Retrofit Solutions
Choose Your Level of Impact:
Every building faces challenges, whether big or small. Tackling them effectively can lead to numerous benefits. Simple adjustments can create impressive results and with a little extra effort, you can have an even greater impact. Adapting the heating and cooling system provides substantial advantages but is not always necessary. At Belimo, we believe in taking small steps for significant gains - "Small devices, big impact."
We understand the sweet spot - maximizing energy savings, boosting system efficiency, and elevating comfort levels. Whether you're looking for a simple improvement, a significant overhaul, or something in between, we have the technology and expertise to help.
- RetroFIT+
- Zgodbe o uspehu
6 razlogov za posodobitev vaše zgradbe
Z le nekaj kliki ocenite potencial svojega hidravličnega sistema, ki ga ima za varčevanje energije. Za podrobne informacije prenesite celovito poročilo o ocenjevanju.
Nastanitev stavbe se lahko sčasoma spremeni. Zato je pomembno, da je tudi tehnična oprema adaptirana novi nastanitvi. Energetsko učinkovite prenove stavb je mogoče ekonomično izvesti s prilagoditvijo obstoječega sistema, zamenjavo zastarelih komponent za ogrevanje, prezračevanje in klimatizacijo ali z dodajanjem novih, sodobnih tehnoloških dosežkov. Ni vedno potrebe po obnovi ali zamenjavi celotnih sistemov za povečanje energetske učinkovitosti in zmanjšanje obratovalnih stroškov.
Z našim kontrolnim seznamom ugotovite, ali je vaša stavba v skladu z današnjimi energetskimi zahtevami.
Uncovering Energy Savings in Diverse Buildings with RetroFIT+
Optimizing energy usage can benefit all buildings, but each type has unique load profiles and requirements. Tailored approaches ensure efficiency, air quality, and comfort for occupants. Retrofitting is a major component of any building’s lifecycle and can have an enormous impact on the efficiency of a facility. Our team has decades of experience in the HVAC industry, and our products are proven to deliver results. Let's explore how RetroFIT+ can revolutionize energy usage in your building:
Seasonally in Session
Given that its occupancy is directly related to instruction times and holiday times, the energy consumption of a school building should match its load profile. With an average occupancy of 7 hours/day when school is in session, these buildings could reduce energy consumption and the correlating costs by 30% by curtailing usage between 6pm - 8am when the building is not being used at full capacity.
By coordinating energy usage with occupancy levels both in regard to timing and specific area usage (classrooms, gym, library, etc.), students can be more comfortable with greater potential for concentration thanks to monitored and controlled air quality. Further, more efficient energy consumption can have a positive impact on publicly funded institutions and their tax obligations.
The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency and comfort, while improving indoor air quality.
Around-The-Clock Energy for Around-The-Clock Care
In hospitals, energy supply is required 24/7. Moreover, there needs to be a significant amount of flexibility for heating, cooling, and ventilation, as well as dynamic balancing capabilities to supply the appropriate amount of heating or cooling for each building area.
Different building types experience different degrees of energy usage according to the nature of their function. Air conditioning, heating, and domestic hot water account for approximately 73% of energy consumption in hospitals.
The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities have a 24/7 role. The HVAC system's availability and reliability are key to promoting comfort and healthy indoor air regarding infection control and safety. With Belimo products, you can ensure the availability, thermal comfort, adequate ventilation, and energy efficiency while allowing more flexible space planning and easy troubleshooting:
Heating and Cooling That Clocks Out When Your Colleagues Do
Given that office buildings are occupied only during business hours, their energy consumption should be optimized with respect to operating hours, With an average occupancy of 9.3 hours/day, these buildings are able to reduce energy consumption and the correlating costs by 30% by curtailing usage between 8pm and 6am when the building is not being used at full capacity. This means that no heating or cooling power needs to be provided for an empty building, thus reducing both energy costs and emissions. Dynamic balancing ensures comfort even when occupancies change.
In office buildings, air conditioning, heating, and domestic hot water account for approximately 56% of energy consumption.
The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
The average occupancy is 9.3 hours/day. By dynamically adjusting energy usage to suit the load profile and occupancy rates, you can save over 30% energy between 8pm and 6am when the building is experiencing low to no use. With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency, comfort, and building health, while allowing more flexible space planning, making it easier to find tenants to rent office space:
Comfort Comes First
Like offices and schools, hotels are not occupied at full capacity throughout the entire day. However, they are generally at their highest occupancy in the later hours of the day and at night when guests sleep. Providing guests with a comfortable stay is a top priority. Ensuring good air quality, unobtrusive noise levels, and a hygienic environment are also essential in this context.
In hotels, air conditioning, heating, and warm water account for approximately 58% of energy consumption.
The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
30% energy saved by reducing consumption when the building is unoccupied.
The average occupancy is 9.3 hours/day. By dynamically adjusting energy usage to suit the load profile and occupancy rates, you can save over 30% energy between 8pm and 6am when the building is experiencing low to no use. With Belimo devices, you can improve energy efficiency, comfort, and building health:
System Agility to Suit Multiple Tenants
Shopping centers, sports venues, airports, and convention centers – while the functions of these buildings are different, they share some things in common: fluctuating occupant traffic and a need to maintain high comfort and dynamic balancing to ensure high availability of cooling and heating energy. The system in place must be agile, as demands change frequently to accommodate changes in space planning. Moreover, as these buildings often house multiple tenants, providing each space with certified energy billing within the individual cost centers must be considered.
The proportionate energy consumption of mixed-use buildings is very distinct. The energy consumption patterns depend on many factors, such as the building's purpose, age, size, geographical location, and type of equipment used. In mixed-use buildings, HVAC systems account for the largest proportion of energy consumption.The RetroFIT+ Solutions You Need: How Belimo Supports
While mixed-use buildings such as shopping centers and sports venues have different purposes and functions, both building types share fluctuating occupancy levels and the high demand and availability of heating and cooling energy. With Belimo devices, you can dynamically balance the heating and cooling loads, thus optimizing energy consumption patterns and ventilation according to occupancy levels.
Aplikacija Belimo RetroFIT
Z aplikacijo Belimo RetroFIT lahko svoje zastarele ali okvarjene pogone in senzorje različnih dobaviteljev nadomestite z enotami Belimo v panogi HVAC (ogrevanje, prezračevanje in klimatizacija).
Ne glede na to, ali gre za prezračevanje ali aplikacije vode, med paleto izdelkov Belimo zlahka najdete ustrezen nadomestni pogon (pogon sedežnega ventila, rotacijski pogon, pogon, pogon za prezračevanje) za posodobitev svoje inštalacije z najboljšo kakovostjo in najvišjo zmogljivostjo.
V aplikacijo je zdaj vključena tudi celotna paleta senzorjev Belimo.
How to Find a Replacement With Belimo RetroFIT+ App
Belimo Energy Valve™ zniža emisije ogljika za 40 %
Kot odgovor na zakonsko obveznost v mestu New York, ki je usmerjena v izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti in zmanjšanje emisij ogljika za velike stavbe od leta 2024 dalje, je veliko podjetje za upravljanje nepremičnin nadgradilo ključne stavbe z ventili Belimo Energy Valve™, inovativno napravo s podporo interneta stvari, namenjeno optimizaciji porabe energije in vzdrževanju delta T v sistemih HVAC.
Nadgradnja je drastično znižala porabo energije in stroške – samo pri električni energiji so v letu 2023 prihranili več kot milijon dolarjev. Vložek je družbi Paramount prinesel tudi 2,1 milijona dolarjev spodbud za komunalne storitve, stavbe so usklajene s cilji zmanjšanja ogljika do leta 2030, pridobili pa so tudi najvišje trajnostne certifikate. To pomeni velik korak v smeri cilj ogljične nevtralnosti do leta 2050 in kaže močno zavezanost trajnostnosti in učinkovitosti.
Oglejte si video, ki podrobneje pojasnjuje zmanjšanje emisij CO2 in prihranek pri stroških.
Reference – Paramount Group, New York, USA
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RetroFIT+ Saves Providence College Millions by Forgoing New Chiller Installation
Founded in 1917, Providence College comprises 40 campus buildings. With ongoing expansion planned, the chilled water supply was nearing its capacity. How to meet this increasing demand without installing a new chiller, and saving on cooling and pumping costs? Retrofitting East Campus buildings with the Belimo Energy Valve™ offered the ideal solution, and is helping the college meet its environmental goals.
Učinkovitost na preprost način: zgodba o Belimo Energy Valve™
Posodobitev v zgodovinskem hotelu Admiral Bergen (Norveška) je bila že v polnem zagonu, ko je Geir Hovden iz družbe DNB Commercial Real Estate izvedel za Belimo Energy Valve™ v določenem nadaljevanju podkasta Practical PropTech. To nadaljevanje je na poglobljen način predstavilo, kako najsodobnejša tehnologija, kot je Belimo Energy Valve™, preobrazi način upravljanja delovanja zgradb in prihrani energijo. Sredi projekta so se takoj odločili za preobrat in opremo hotela s hidravličnim sistemom z ventili Energy Valve. Njihova odločitev je prinesla navdušujoče rezultate, vključno z izboljšano učinkovitostjo delovanja, občutnimi prihranki pri stroških in občutnim prispevkom k njihovim trajnostnim ciljem.
Oglejte si video, v katerem boste videli, kako naša inovacija olajšuje montaže in zagotavlja dragocene informacije za boljše, pametnejše upravljanje zgradb.
Oglejte si, kaj pravijo naše stranke
Posodabljanje zgradb za energetsko učinkovitost in trajnost
Po analizi delovanja in spremembi Brookfield Place prihrani 8,9 milijonov litrov pretoka vode na dan že samo v primarnem ogrevalnem sistemu.
Belimo RetroFIT+ Helps Existing Buildings Uncover Energy Savings
In the early 2000s, Western Wyoming Community College upgraded their pneumatically controlled air handlers to direct digital control (DDC). However, the pneumatic control valves and actuators for the hot and chilled water coils, as well as the single and dual-duct VAVs, were left untouched. In 2021 the legacy pneumatic equipment was beginning to fail, and the school embarked on a new retrofit project to fully upgrade to digital control.
Success Story – Western Wyoming College, USA
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Our RetroFIT+ Products
Actuators, valves, and sensors ensure reliable functioning HVAC systems. Damaged or non-functioning equipment can lead to degradation and poor system performance, causing energy waste, occupant discomfort, and increased costs. Belimo offers standard and customised retrofit solutions that increase performance, efficiency, and reliability, with fast delivery and a 5-year warranty.
Pogosta vprašanja
Posodobitev se nanaša na postopek izboljšav ali nadgradenj obstoječih sistemov ali struktur. V povezavi z zgradbami posodabljanje običajno vključuje nadgradnje ali predelave sistemov HVAC, osvetlitve, izolacije ali drugih komponent z namenom optimizacije energetske učinkovitosti, izboljšanja zmogljivosti in podaljšanja življenjske dobe zgradbe. Posodobitev ogrevanja, prezračevanja in klimatizacije lahko vključuje zamenjavo zastarele opreme, montažo novih krmilnikov ali senzorjev, izboljšanje izolacije in izvedbo drugih ukrepov za izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti, ki pomagajo zmanjšati porabo energije in izboljšati udobje v prostorih.
Posodabljanje zgradb je pomembno, ker omogoča nadgradnjo in izboljšanje obstoječih sistemov HVAC (ogrevanja, prezračevanja in klimatizacije). To lahko pomaga doseči boljšo energetsko učinkovitost, izboljšano udobje in zmanjšan vpliv na okolje. Posodobitve lahko pomagajo izpolnjevati tudi zakonske zahteve in izboljšati skupno vrednost stavbe, hkrati pa prispevajo tudi k bolj zeleni prihodnosti.
"+" simbolizira dodano vrednost, ki jo Belimo prispeva k projektom naknadnih vgradenj. Belimo ponuja številne izdelke, ki so idealni za projekte prenov, na primer pogone loput, regulacijske ventile, senzorje in merilnike. Če je potreben adapter ali povezava, naša obsežna paleta pribora za naknadne vgradnje zagotavlja preprost postopek montaže na licu mesta. Če naša standardna ponudba ne vključuje idealnega nadomestnega izdelka, ponujamo tudi možnost prilagojenih izdelkov in adapterjev. Vendar pa naša podpora in svetovanje glede aplikacij presegata zgolj vidik izdelka. Belimovi prodajniki in specialisti za aplikacije so zavzeti za to, da vam pomagajo poiskati optimalen pristop za vaš projekt prenove.
Strošek posodobitve sistema HVAC je odvisen od različnih dejavnikov, na primer velikosti zgradbe, zapletenosti naknadne vgradnje, določenih komponent, ki se jih nadgrajuje, in razmer na lokalnem tržišču. Pomembno je, da se vsak projekt oceni individualno, in tako določi natančno oceno stroškov. Belimo zagotavlja paleto možnosti za posodobitve sistemov HVAC. Ne glede na to, ali želite manjšo izboljšavo, veliko predelavo ali karkoli vmes, imamo tehnologijo in strokovno znanje, s katerim vam lahko pomagamo in podamo ustrezno oceno stroškov.
Contact Us Today to Optimize Your HVAC System With RetroFIT+
At Belimo, we are at your service to guide you to the best solution for your needs, so you can reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions for a more sustainable future.
We change the world to be more efficient. Be part of it!
More RetroFIT+ Related Documentation and Materials
Belimo RetroFIT+ Product Replacement Tool
Retrofit Technical Documentation
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11,59 MB)
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5,56 MB)
Ball Valve Retrofit Form
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192 KB)
Butterfly Valve Retrofit Form
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166 KB)
Globe Valve Retrofit Form
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143 KB)
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138 KB)
RetroFIT+ App: Use case – OCR function
RetroFIT+ App: Use case – Measuring and motorising the valve
More documentation and materials