Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality
The ZIP Economizer has been developed to allow for easy user interaction when setting up or troubleshooting Economizer systems and RTUs. It is the most technologically advanced Airside Economizer solution in the market. The ZIP Economizer is designed to provide the most energy savings through advanced economizer logic strategies and is compliant with the most recent energy codes and standards (ASHRAE 90.1-2016, IECC-2015, California Title 24-2016, ASHRAE 189.1-2014).
ZIP Economizer Overview Presentation
ZIP Economizer Brochure
(pdf -
1,57 MB)
(pdf -
4,31 MB)
Energy Savings Through Advanced Economizer Logic Strategies
Fast Route to Reliable Energy Savings
Airside economizing (using outdoor air as a cooling medium when conditions are suitable) is one of the smartest ways for buildings to save energy. The ZIP Economizer has built in climate zones and energy code data, by entering a ZIP code it automatically sets up economizer operation to meet compliance criteria and maximize energy savings based on the location.
Product Range
- User Benefits
- Resources
Consulting Engineers
Your analytical skillset makes you an invaluable asset to your organization and though your job is to design systems and operating sequences that meet energy codes to make facilities run more efficiently. You constantly find yourself collecting information and analyzing data when it could be spent looking for new and innovative ways to save energy and improve building performance. Belimo ZIP Economizer offer:
- Temperature and humidity sensor integrated together to provide enthalpy control for single
- changeover strategy
- An optional energy module allows demand control ventilation (DCV) logic to meet future code requirements
- Optional communication module that provides alarm output and firmware update with capabilities of data trending, building automation integration and OEM communication integration.
- Higher efficiency with lower power consumption avoids carbon emissions over the life of the building
- Acceptance tests are integrated onboard to validate sequences to ensures effortless compliance with energy codes
- Customer focused organization with support documentation requirements for plans and specifications
Contractors & Distributors
You need to run a lean and mean operation—however, finding new and effective ways to provide unique solutions to client problems are key to achieving the ultimate goal of increasing profits and growing your business. You feel like far too much of your time is spent diagnosing technical issues and troubleshooting problems for others when it should be spent getting the job done and moving on to the next one. Belimo ZIP Economizer provide:
- Onboard information integrated for easy setup and/or troubleshooting
- Plug and play modular design gives users flexiblity and allows for non properitary sensors to be used
- Expanded functionality with Belimo actuators for continuous feedback and quicker running times in test mode
- Automotive quality display allows for easy viewing and verification of set values along with real time operating information
- Integrated onboard test sequence that verifies proper operation
- Fault detection and diagnostics initiates alarms and reconfigures for best operation and reduces labor costs
- ZIP Packs (retrofit kits) combine individual components into a single part number and are boxed together for easy selection and project organization
Building Owners
Building expansion and tenant improvements are a constant challenge to your facility department and the value of your property. You are having difficulty keeping clients comfortable, identifying ways to optimize your HVAC system, and preserving capital budgets. ZIP Economizer offer:
- Take advantage of utility rebate programs available in many areas to upgrade nonfunctioning rooftop units and save up to 40% on energy savings
- Showcase your building by utilizing energy efficient products that are code compliance
- Integrated onboard test sequence that verifies proper operation
- providing reliable system performance and occupant comfort providing reliable system performance and occupant comfort
- Onboard information integrated for easy setup and/or troubleshooting
- Automotive quality display allows for easy viewing and verification of set values along with real time operating information
- Fault detection and diagnostics will troubleshoot faults, initiates alarms, and reconfigures for best operation to minimize service cost
Facility Managers
Higher energy prices combined with costly building inefficiencies are making your job more and more difficult to perform. While you should be looking for new and innovative ways to reduce energy consumption and improve facility performance, you’re simply too busy dealing with employees, troubleshooting technical issues, and trying to combat costly problems with more money. Belimo ZIP Economizer can:
- Onboard information integrated for easy setup and/or troubleshooting
- Plug and play modular design provides flexiblity and allows for non properitary sensors to be used
- Expanded functionality with Belimo actuators for continuous feedback and quicker running times
- Automotive quality display allows for easy viewing and verification of set values along with real time operating information
- Integrated onboard test sequence that verifies proper operation
- Easy installation for tenant improvement projects or retrofits
- Fast delivery and online technical support
You are tasked with communicating to organizations how they can save energy and improve performance — but key opportunities are passing you by. Why? Most of your time is spent searching for new product innovations that are backed by proven and reliable energy savings data. Belimo ZIP Economizer offer:
- Take advantage of utility rebate programs available in many areas to upgrade nonfunctioning rooftop units and save up to 40% on energy savings
- An optional energy module allows demand control ventilation (DCV) logic to save energy
- Optional communication module that provides alarm output and firmware update with capabilities of data trending, building automation integration and OEM communication integration.
- Expanded functionality with Belimo actuators for continuous feedback and quicker running times
- Fault detection and diagnostics initiates alarms and reconfigures for best operation and reduces labor costs
Belimo offers a range of high-level overview covering Belimo ZIP Economizer technology and product offering.
Video & Webinar
Belimo offers videos and webinars developed to educate about the many features and benefits of Zip Economizer. These webinars are recorded; also listed are a few Zip Economier videos.
A central location to access product documentation for use in your business needs.
ZIP Economizer Technical Documentation
(pdf -
595 KB)
ZIP Packs Brochure
(pdf -
535 KB)
ZIP Economizer Brochure
(pdf -
1,57 MB)
ZIP Economizer Retrofit Solutions
(pdf -
733 KB)
ZIP VFD Quick Reference
(pdf -
636 KB)
ZIP DCV Quick Reference
(pdf -
939 KB)
SelectPro, Sizing and Selection Software
Installation Instructions
Quick Install Guide
(pdf -
262 KB)
Installation instructions – ECON-ZIP-TH
(pdf -
1,02 MB)
Energy Module Installation Instructions
(pdf -
771 KB)
Installation instructions – Communication Module
(pdf -
797 KB)
(pdf -
6,32 MB)