Energy Valves | Cloud-connected Pressure Independent Valves
Measure and Control
The Belimo Energy Valve is an Internet of Things (IoT) pressure independent valve utilizing advanced cloud-based analytics to leverage captured system data to its full potential providing savings and the most efficient operation. The Energy Valve's integration with the Belimo Thermal Energy Meter allows energy control and efficient energy billing. Accurate measurement and monitoring of energy consumption in a heating and cooling system using a single device with direct IoT-based cost accounting. The Energy Valve meets the requirements of EN 1434 and CSA C900, Measurement Canada AV2478C certified, and type approval in accordance with the European Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU (MID), ensuring high accuracy and reliability, allowing for transparent tenant billing. The Belimo Energy Valve™ can be connected to the Belimo Cloud, providing easy access to data and reports – anytime, anywhere.
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One Optimized Complete Solution, Now Cloud Based
Belimo Energy Valve™ Reduces Carbon Emissions by 40%
In response to a regulatory mandate in New York City focused on improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions for large buildings starting in 2024, a major property management company upgraded key buildings with the Belimo Energy Valve™, a pioneering, IoT-enabled device designed to optimize energy use and maintain Delta T in HVAC systems.
Reference – Paramount Group, New York, USA
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Product Range
Belimo Energy Valve Application Guide
This application guide is a central source of materials for the planning, selection, and application of the Belimo Energy Valve™. It provides consulting engineers, system integrators, HVAC contractors, commissioning engineers, facility managers, and building owners worldwide with educational and practical information.
Belimo Clear Edge™
The Belimo Clear Edge is an analytical device that leverages the data from all installed Energy Valves in a BACnet Building Automation System (BAS). The Clear Edge automatically analyzes the Belimo Energy Valve data to optimize, manage, and monitor key performance indicators of water coil performance and hydronic energy consumption. The Clear Edge offers trending capability with automated Delta T setpoint adjustment to increase system performance and energy savings strategies. An internet connection is not needed.
The Belimo Clear Edge technology is also available as a plug-in for SkySpark from Stackhub.
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Belimo Energy Valve Savings Estimator Tool
Belimo has developed the Energy Savings Estimator to illustrate the annual dollar and energy savings you can expect by installing an Energy Valve. Download the estimator and view your potential savings.
Download Energy Valve Savings Estimator Tool
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Belimo Energy Valve Savings Estimator Worksheet
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Belimo Energy Valve™ -energiaventtiileillä suuret energiansäästöt Nashvillen Citizen's Plazassa
Belimo Energy Valve™ on ohjelmistopohjaisilla palveluilla ja pilviliitettävyydellä varustettu sähköinen paineriippumaton säätöventtiili, joka mittaa virtausta ja lämpötilaa suorituskyvyn ja energiankulutuksen monitoroimiseksi sekä pitää yllä optimaalista delta T-arvoa. Automaattiset raportit osoittavat senhetkisen ja aikaisemman tehontarpeen ja suosittelevat lisää mahdollisuuksia energiansäästöön, ennakoivaan huoltoon ja vianmääritykseen. Se antaa RAU-järjestelmälle tarvittavat tiedot, jotta se pystyy säätämään rakennuksen talotekniikkajärjestelmiä mahdollisimman energiatehokkaasti. Jones Lang LaSalle -yhtiön käyttö- ja turvallisuusasiantuntija Chad Lovell kertoo energiaventtiilin toteutuksesta Nashvillen Citizen's Plazassa Tennesseen osavaltiossa.
- User Benefits
- Resources
- Success Stories
- Awards
Consulting Engineers
Your analytical skillset makes you an invaluable asset to your organization. Your job is to design systems and operating sequences that meet energy codes to run facilities efficiently. You constantly find yourself collecting information and analyzing data when it could be spent looking for new and innovative ways to save energy and improve building performance. Belimo's Energy Valve can:
- Leverage system data and cloud based analytics to optimize system efficiency saving
- Dynamically balance the load under all operating conditions
- Provide True Flow GPM reading for fast TAB verification and BMS data logging via BACnet
- Eliminate costly problems associated with low Delta T syndrome
- Precisely match designed requirements for BTU/hr and Delta T at the load with patented Power Control
- Ensure that projects bids remain under budget and installations occur on time
Contractors & Distributors
You're tasked with running a lean and mean operation—however, finding new and effective ways to provide unique solutions to your client problems is crucial to achieving the ultimate goal of increasing profits and growing your business. You feel like far too much of your time is spent diagnosing technical issues and troubleshooting problems for others when it could be getting the job done and moving on to the next one. Belimo's Energy Valve can:
- Solve client's low Delta T syndrome problems to reduce pump cost, and release plant capacity
- Provide freeze protection with glycol monitoring for efficient, safe operation and reducing cost
- Deliver advanced solutions for clients incorporating cloud-based analytics to optimize system performance and Ethernet connectivity for remote IoT metering and billing
- Solve problems and simplify troubleshooting with onboard diagnostic tools
- Reduce installation time with a setup wizard that easily guides installation and saves reload set up parameters on future valves
Building Owners
Building expansion and tenant improvements are a constant challenge to your facility department and the value of your property. You have difficulty keeping clients comfortable, identifying ways to optimize your HVAC system, and preserving capital budgets. Belimo's Energy Valve help:
- Utilize advanced analytic technology while leveraging captured system data to improve coil and system performance achieving increased energy savings
- Reduce pumping and chiller/boiler operating costs by increasing chiller plant efficiency and eliminating waste zone operations
- Monitor glycol content to enable you to maintain the correct glycol concentration; increasing overall heat transfer and pumping efficiency and reducing operating cost
- Showcase your building by utilizing state of the art technology
- Ensure circuits are properly balanced, so tenant improvements and building expansion projects proceed smoothly without impact to other spaces
- Offers IoT capability for remote meter reading and includes data for efficient tenant billing
Facility Managers
Higher energy prices combined with costly building inefficiencies are making your job more challenging to perform. While you should be looking for new and innovative ways to reduce energy consumption and improve facility performance, you're too busy dealing with employees, troubleshooting technical issues, and trying to combat costly problems with more money. Belimo's Energy Valve can:
- Monitor glycol content to enable you to maintain the correct glycol concentration; increasing overall heat transfer and pumping efficiency
- Reduce pumping and chiller/boiler operating costs by increasing chiller plant efficiency and eliminating waste zone operations
- Provide accurate and reliable operation with occupant comfort
- Real-time technical support via cloud technology
- Ensure coils are dynamically balanced, providing True Flow control
You're tasked with communicating to organizations how they can save energy and improve building performance — but key opportunities pass you by. Why? Most of your time is spent searching for new product innovations backed by proven and reliable energy savings data. Belimo's Energy Valve can:
- Provide advanced solutions for clients incorporating cloud-based analytics to benchmark and optimize system performance
- Recommends Delta T and flow setpoints via cloud connection to save time and improve efficiency
- Graphically illustrate performance reports showing current and historical data of flow rates, energy usage, Delta T, and other points of interest
- Provide Ethernet connectivity to supports remote IoT metering and integrates billing platforms
- Eliminates costly problems associated with low Delta T syndrome
- Create utility savings; University of Miami Rosenstiel building saved $57,890 annually
Commissioning Agents / Balancing Contractors
The responsibilities of your job are complex. Between managing and reviewing projects, along with balancing and commissioning systems, you've got a lot on your plate. What you're looking for is an innovative product with proven energy savings data that meets your facility's specifications without the hassle of a complex installation and/or costly maintenance requirements. Belimo's Energy Valve can:
- Provide an interface for project specific information to be entered directly on the web page; allowing users to keep track of multiple valves and their operation
- Easily save settings from one valve configuration and load in another, allowing for fast and accurate integration
- Provides commissioning report of historical and operational data giving confirmation of valve operation and setup
- Ensure circuits are properly balanced, enabling efficient tenant improvements and building expansion projects proceed smoothly without impact to other spaces
- Eliminate costly problems associated with low Delta T syndrome
Energy Valve presentations that provide high level overviews to an in-depth understanding of the technology associated with the Energy Valve.
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Videos & Webinars
Belimo offers online and recorded webinar presentations. These free webinars are available once a month lasting only 30 minutes and recorded for future reference. Watch one for yourself now and learn about the Belimo Energy Valve, Delta T Manager.
Introduction to the Energy Valve
Delta T Manager
Advanced Valve Control Strategies
Belimo Energy Valve™ Decreasing Carbon Footprint & Increasing Energy Efficiency
Energy Savings & Increased Occupant Comfort Using the Belimo Energy Valve
The Belimo Energy Valve™ Optimization Simplified!
Belimo Hydronic Simulator™ – if you can see the problem, you can fix it!
Tools & Materials
A central location to access product documentation for use in your business needs.
Verkkopalvelimen käyttöohje - Belimo Energy Valve™ / Lämpöenergiamittari
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Energy Valve FAQ
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Flow Verification and Commissioning
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Data Analysis Tool V3.12
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Sizing, Selection & Replacement Tools
Belimo University offers a free online comprehensive training on room sensors along with other programs. Training is available online or onsite.
Awards and Recognitions
The Energy Valve has received many awards and recognitions for the technology innovation of solving low Delta T syndrome and providing transparency to visualize product and system performance at the field device level of system operation. Belimo Energy Valve is unlike any other product on the market.