Node-RED Connector
What is Node-RED? Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming developed originally by IBM for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services as part of the Internet of Things. [[Wikipedia ]]
Read this article to get a better view on what Node-RED is: Article
Node-RED is widely used in many applications and it offers a simple programming interface.
This connector has been developed and it is maintained by MST System Solutions GmbH. It covers some of the basic functionalities of the Belimo Cloud.
Quick Start
Creating your first application with Node-RED and the BELIMO Coud is extremely easy.
Open your Node-RED console and install this connector from the "Manage Palette" -> "Install" functionality. As you can see in the picture below, just write "belimo" in the search bar and select the connector.
Here is the link to the official page of this connector on Node-RED flows
This connector contains also two examples, in order to use them please install the Node-RED dashboard if your Node-RED is already not having it.
Once the connector is installed, your palette will be enriched with five new orange nodes. It's now time to Import the examples from the library.
You will have two new flows on your Node-RED console, follow the program and the on-line help to learn how to use every node.
When you begin the configuration of the connector node, remember to subscribe to our Cloud Developer Space in order to receive the proper credentials for your new application.
Obtaining support
This connector has been developed by a third company with Belimo's support. The developer is free to support it and to keep it updated.
This software can be used to develop new applications.
Belimo does not guarantee any support on new applications or on this software, which is distributed as it is and without any warranty. Please visit the developer's website for more information.
The support offered by Belimo is of a general nature on a best effort basis, for instance in developing your own connector for a different platform. Should you be interested please write to: